UGH! I know! I am so bad at this! I am behind 3 weeks! Maybe I will just make this a monthly thing... but thats no fun, is it? I resolve to do better LOL
OK so here is what has been going on!
This little guy is GROWING! Its pretty obvious as my belly is expanding but he is much much stronger then he was 3 weeks ago!.
The most awkward part is when I am in a room with a client and their eyes keep wandering to my mid-section... and I know exactly what they are thinking.... "Is she getting fatter or is she pregnant?" but afraid to ask. My arms unconciously wrap around my belly or I press the clipboard I am holding to it to cover it up. I dont know why I get embarassed about it but I am not one to just come out and say "Yes, I AM pregnant!" I dont really like people to fuss over me and whenever I do tell someone, thats where the convo goes and thats not why they are in the exam room. Lets talk about your pet, not me. Except for the clients who are prego or have new babies. Then we get to chat :)
I can feel him much more now! He is very active at night. Starting at around 9 and if I wake up in the middle of the night hes still moving! I hope this doesnt continue after he is born!
His kicks are getting so pronounced, Chad was able to feel him this week! That, I think, was the most exciting part! :) My midwife said he wouldnt be able to feel him for a long time so I am soooo happy he was able to experience that!
UGH! I feel fine, expect that when I walk I get sciatic pain in one or the other leg. Usually goes away after a little bit of walking. BUT THEN THERES THE SWOLLEN FEET AND ANKLES!! OMG its ridiculous!!!!! I know I have cause some of it by not drinking enough water. I am working on that..... I feel like I am drowning! Its not easy to drink a gallon of water a day. You think it would be but after 3 bottles (30oz each) I feel like if I drink another sip I am going to explode! And form some reason, my left foot os more swollen than the right and hurts all the time. Like its sprained or something. Wierd..... Besides, I didnt think this was supposed to start til way later!!! Its pretty miserable. Also, the leg cramps! I think thats the worst. Another reason to drink drink drink!!!
Oh, what else? I think that all the complaining I have :)
Chad has been working hard on the nursery! We got the BED!!!!! and of course, he finished painting the room :) Now he is working on sanding and staining the rest of the furniture that will go in there! I am on the hunt for anything and everything Beatrix Potter related (or anything english garden or looks like it would fit with that theme) We are not going with the whole bedding set gimicky thing. I want something sweet and simple that can be changed out with the next baby and we dont have to spend another $200 to decorate. Keepin it simple. I would rather put that money toward more essential items, like a car seat.
Crafty things :)
Now that I am almost 6 months along, the realization has hit that I better get to work on the projects I want to do! Like crocheting blankets and hats and diaper covers and cute little stuffed animals! All I have finished so far is the pumpkin hat! IM RUNNING OUT OF TIME!!!!!
I also want to make some burp cloths and nursing covers and other things I cant even think of right now!!!!!!!!
Cloth Diapers!!!
We got our first little shipment of diapers in a few weeks ago and another is on its way! I am so excited about it!!!! The are so freakin stinkin cute I cannot wait to see/use them!!!!! We have so so so much more to go before it is complete, but we are purchasing a little at a time, and I am keeping my eye on used / swap sites for good deals. It is so much more fun then buying a big box of disposables. Really the shopping is addictive LOL
Baby Registries!
As of today we are finished registering. (whew!) Well, at least in-store. I will certainly be going in and tweeking things and adding/deleting but for the most part we are done!
SO, if you are interested in snooping (I LOVE snooping and seeing what people I know have registered for!) we are registered at
Babies R Us
Buy Buy Baby
Kelly's Closet (cloth diapers)
Green Mountain Diapers (cloth diapers)
Just search my name. :)
ALSO If you have any advice on what you could NOT live without, or if I have something on there that you know is a POS let me know! I appreciate all the advice we can get!!!
OK I think thats it! If I forgot anything, I will do a mini update. I have an appointment on Wednesday and my mom is coming :)
Here are pics!
Loved seeing u n chad, wish it had been longer.